► Attorney Joseph Belluck of New York; certified moron, enabler for Judicial Misfits Print E-mail
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Attorney Joseph Belluck of New York City; moron, enabler forJudicial Misfits


Attorney Joseph Belluck is the founding father of a law firm that has its headquarters on 5th Avenue in New York City.
Unfortunately for the victims of Judicial Misfits running amok in New York State, Joseph Belluck is a member of the so-called New York Commission on Judicial Conduct. Despite the fact that this Judicial Commission was setup to rid New Yorkers of Judicial Misfits, it is now and has been since its inception been primarily concerned with protecting Judicial Misfits. Put simply, the vast members of this Commission are well-known and well-respected enablers and apologists for members of the judiciary who are ethical leper-cons and/or certified morons.
In June 2009, Joseph Belluck issued a dissent in a Judicial Misconduct case involving Judge James Gilpatric who sits on the Kingston City Court in Ulster County. Judge James Gilpatric is yet another Judicial Misfit running amok to the damage of the citizens of Ulster County.
Judge James Gilpatric was charged with a plethora (means numerous Mr. Joseph Belluck) of unethical charges based on his slovenly work habits as a judge.
Joseph Belluck was provided with documentary evidence that this wasn’t Judge James Gilpatric’s first bite at the Judicial Misfit tree. In fact, Judge James Gilpatric had been disciplined on two previous occasions.
Despite overwhelming evidence that Judge James Gilpatric was a certified loser, Joseph Belluck’s fellow enablers and apologists on the Judicial Commission gifted him with a “complimentary admonition.”
Apparently, Joseph Belluck was taken aback at the severity of the punishment meted out to Judge James Gilpatric (complimentary admonition) and decided to write a thirteen (13) page hyperbolic (means BS Mr. Joseph Belluck) missive to express his outrage.
Despite the fact that Judge James Gilpatric waited nearly three (3) years to render a decision in one case, Joseph Belluck had the chutzpah to assert that Judge James Gilpatric and/or any other Judicial Misfit of his ilk (ilk isn’t a male Elk Mr. Joseph Belluck) basically were endowed with judicial discretion to so act. Well, Mr. Joseph Belluck, what about the litigants that had to wait nearly three years for a moron like Judge James Gilpatric to issue a ruling? Apparently, your attitude regarding these victims is analogous (means “similar” Mr. Joseph Belluck) to what Rhett Butler told Scarlett “O’Hara in Gone with the Wind,” which is “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
Even though Judge James Gilpatric was a Judicial Misfit “repeater,” Joseph Belluck had the audacity to state that in his so-called opinion, the complaint should have been dismissed. What a loser!
Joseph Belluck’s alleged Legal Acumen (means keenness Mr. Joseph Belluck)
On his web site, Joseph Belluck toots-his-horn by claiming he is a nationally recognized attorney whose practice is focused on asbestos/mesothelioma cases. Well, folks let me tell you what, I ain’t impressed!
Well folks, I lived in Toledo and Maumee (suburb of Toledo), Ohio for well over fifty-five years. One of the manufacaturers of asbetos was Owens-Illinois, which was headquarted in Toledo. Another manufacturer was Johns-Manville that had a factory on the outskirts of Toledo. Now, let me say that I have no sympathy for any company that would intentionally cause their employees to suffer serious and/or debilitaing illnesses. However, when that does happen, those companies should rightfully be required to pay for any necessary medical expenses incurred by their prior employees.
What grates this ol' Dawg is that louses like Joseph Belluck who have the audacity to claim they are looking out for the little man (the injured party) cheerfully consume 30 to 50% of any and all monies paid to the employees by Owens-Illinois and/or Johns-Manville. If Joseph Belluck and those of his ilk (that'd be the plaintiff's bar) were the altruistic dogooders that they falsely imply they are, then why haven't they accepted attorney fees based on the actual time they spent at a reasonable hourly rate of say $125?
I’ve seen the corruption that has taken place over the years in regards to asbestos related litigation. In fact, Cleveland, Ohio retired Judge Harry Hanna has presided over thousands of these types of cases. However, in the recent past, Judge Harry Hanna expressed his distaste for the legal shenanigans (aka, unethical conduct) engaged in by some of Joseph Belluck’s brethren within the plaintiff’s bar.
Joseph Bullock also had the temerity to state on his self-serving web site that he is “known nationally for both his legal ability and his high ethical standards.” Give me a break! This is akin (means similar Mr. Joseph Bullock) to asserting that the late Jeffrey Dahmer was nationally recognized for his culinary skills and his adherence to complying with the table manners set forth by Ms. Manners.
By appointing enablers and apologists and certified bootlickers to the Judicial Commission such as Joseph Belluck, is it any wonder that New Yorkers are consistently being victimized by Judicial Misfits?
To view an article Judge James Gilpatric’s misconduct, see the article below and then go to the URL listed below the article.
Is Judge James Gilpatric a moron and certified ethical gremlin? Darn tootin!



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