► Rep. John Boehner: Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner |
Rep. John Boehner: Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner Congratulations to….
Rep. John Boehner
Today’s “Bullshit”Award Winner
While spewing forth an additional dose of his usual Bullshit after Obama’s victory, Johnny decided to take after his friend Mitt Romney in telling a total falsehood.
Lacking the courage and ethics to admit that Romney and the Republican Party were treated to an old fashioned ass-whooping by the voters, Johnny had the chutzpah to say, “With this vote, the American people have also made clear that there is no mandate for raising tax rates.”
Apparently, Johnny forgot that Romney promised to reduce taxes on everyone by 20%, including millionaires and billionaires if he was elected, and Obama promised to raise the tax on those earning over $250,000 by repealing the Bush tax cuts.
Johnny’s BS can likely be attributed to his brain being baked due to the inordinate amount of time he spends in tanning salons in Cincinnati and D.C.
Congrats Johnny; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Premier Bullshitters; you are far too humble.