► Jon Husted – Ohio Sec. of State: Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner Print E-mail

Jon Husted – Ohio Sec. of State:  Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Jon Husted – Ohio Sec. of State
Today’s “BullshitAward Winner
As Secretary of State, Jon is in charge of running elections in Ohio. Jon has taken great pains to try and assure that Obama does not again carry Ohio. Towards that end, Jon personally voted to end in-person voting on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday before Election Day.
In a sham effort to appear as an American Patriot, Jon exempted members of the military from his overt attempt to assist Romney in the upcoming election. If someone had told Jon that 85% of left-handed people were registered Republicans, he would have also exempted them.
When a federal judge voided Jon’s obvious “voter suppression” rule, he appealed; however, the Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati upheld the local judge’s ruling. Now Jon is going to waste even more taxpayer money by appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Towards that end, Jon had the chutzpah to say, “This is an unprecedented intrusion by the federal courts into how states run elections and because of its impact on all 50 states as to who and how elections will be run in America we are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to step in and allow Ohioans to run Ohio elections.” (Columbus Dispatch – Jim Siegel)
Of course Jon didn’t make any such comments when the U.S. Supreme Court intervened in the election process in Florida in 2000 which led to George Bush’s victory. In Jon the Hypocrite’s World, judicial activism is limited to judges who rule in favor of his opponents.
And finally, in a lame attempt to establish his bona fides as a standup comedian, Jon said, “The last thing I wasn’t to see is a non-uniform system where voters will be treated differently in all 88 counties.” (Columbus Dispatch – Jim Siegel) This is the same buffoon (my apologies to buffoons) who repeatedly voted with his fellow Republicans to prevent early voting in democratic leaning counties but not republican ones.
Congrats Jon; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Premier Bullshitters; you are far too humble.

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