► NC State Sen. David Rouzer: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner Print E-mail

NC State Sen. David Rouzer: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
NC State Sen. David Rouzer
Today’s “Rodney DangerfieldAward Winner
As we speak (ca. 09/20/12), David is a State Senator for North Carolina. He is presently running for a seat in the U.S. Congress against incumbent Democrat Mike McIntyre.
While speaking at a Tea Party Express rally on September 16, Dave decided to present those in attendance with his latest comedy routine by going after President Obama. During the speech, David the Comic said:
  • “When we get Romney and Ryan in you are going to see a big change. You’re going to see, number one that America is going to be respected again around the world. You’re going to see all this turmoil that’s taking place, you’re going to see them look up and say guess what, the American people have spoken and maybe we need to cut it out a little bit, maybe we need to tone it down a little bit, because now we have real men in the Whitehouse.”
  • When a supporter shouted “No girly men,” Rouzer responded, “That’s right, no girly men.”
In truth, Dave is arguing that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are “real men” and that Obama is basically a “girly man.”
My idea of a “real man” would be someone like Sen. John McCain (POW), President George H.W. Bush (World War II Naval Pilot and/or JFK (World War II PT boat commander). No male member of Mitt’s family has every served their country in the military even though was eligible to serve in Vietnam and his sons in Iraq or Afghanistan. I suppose one could argue that Mitt’s grandfather was a “real man” since he had at least five (5) wives.
For Dave the Comic to argue that folks presently protesting the release of a defamatory movie about Islam and the prophet Mohammed would think twice about future protests if Mitt was president is one of his better one-liners.
Dave actually believes that members of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah are basically shaking in their boots at the mere thought of Mitt becoming the next President. Apparently they’ll become certified pacifists on November 6, 2012.
Congrats Dave; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s most unaccomplished comedians; you are far too humble.

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