► Is it time for 104-year-old Kansas Federal Judge Wesley Brown to take a hike? Print E-mail

Is it time for 104-year-old Kansas Federal Judge Wesley Brown to take a hike?


Judge Wesley Brown was born on June 27, 1907 and appointed to the federal bench by JFK in 1962.
Judge Brown has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for fifty-five years (1958-2011). When will Wesley the Glutton decide he's digested enough public pork?
I don’t know about you folks, but I damn sure wouldn’t feel comfortable having my case decided by someone who is 102 years old. Now, I’ve got nothing against senior citizens, but allowing this ol’ geezer (Methuzullah Wannabee) to remain on the bench is absurd.
In 1979, Judge Wesley Brown became a Senior Judge, meaning he was only required to work ten (10) hours a week. According to the U.S. Court Administrator’s statistics, the average workweek for Senior Judges is six (6) hours. Of course Senior Judges continue to receive a full-salary despite working 10 or fewer hours per week.
Judge Wesley Brown has been a Senior Status judge for thirty-two (32) years (ca. 1979-2011). Based on the Court Administrator’s statistics (6-hours per week), Judge Wesley Brown would have been paid the wages; worked the hours, and earned the hourly rates described below.
  • $753,500 – 2,888 hours = $261 an hour (ca. 1979-1988)
  • $1,252,500 – 2,888 hours = $434 an hour (ca. 1989-1998)
  • $1,547,700 – 2,888 hours = $536 an hour (ca. 1999-2008)
  • $3,553,700 – 8,664 hours = $410 average hourly rate (ca. 1979-2008)
How would you like to have an employer that would allow you to only work 6 to 10 hours a week after being on the job for a mere ten years? I think bankruptcy would be in the offing for any employer that engaged in this type of frivolity, right?
And what does it say about the ethics for well-paid federal judges who cheerfully accept a salary of $178,000 for working but six-hours a week? What it says is that they are a bunch of greedy ingrates, who are ethically insolvent, that’s what it says.
I haven’t visited the federal courthouse in Wichita, Kansas but I’m confident that it is equipped with the equipment pictured to the right to assist Judge Wesley Brown in performing his so-called judicial duties.  
I suspect that Judge Wesley Brown will never voluntarily retire as long as the courthouse is equipped with an oxygen tank, jumper cables and a fresh supply of Depends. In fact, I’m confident that he’ll likely leave the courthouse in a wooden robe.  

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