Attorney Mark Shlifka of Yorkville, IL; disgusting pervert

The state of Illinois presented Mark A. Shlifka with a law license in 1988 after he graduated from the John Marshall School of Law.
The Disciplinary Commission found Mark guilty of engaging in the following misconduct, all of which took place while he was employed with Kendall County State’s Office as the First Assistant State’s Attorney.
Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
Engaged in a conflict of interest, by conduct including engaging in a sexual relationship with a woman while she was the victim witness in case, which he was personally prosecuting and while she was a criminal defendant, a felony that was being prosecuted by Mark’s office
Engaged in a sexual relationship with a woman (J.N) who was the victim in an aggravated battery case that Mark was personally prosecuting
Purchased a plane ticket for (J.N.) so that she could accompany him to Palm Springs for a work conference at a time when a condition of her bond prohibited her from traveling out of state
Mark used a cellular telephone to record a still photograph of J.N.’ s naked body
Used the telephone to make still photographs of his penis on J.N.’s head, his penis in close proximity to J.N.’s head, and his penis in close proximity to her naked buttocks, all while J.N. was asleep in her bed
At the time Mark took the photos of J.N.’s naked body, etc. she was asleep and unable to consent to being photographed by him
Mark committed a criminal act of unauthorized video recording involving J.N.
Engaged in conduct adversely reflecting on his fitness to practice law
All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Mark the Perv by the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Illinois Supreme Court.
As we speak (ca. January 2024), Mark practices his so-called brand of law at 221 Portage Lane in Yorkville, Illinois.