► Former Justice Petra Maes of Santa Fe, NM; cheerleader for Attorney Thieves Print E-mail
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Former Justice Petra Maes of Santa Fe, NM; cheerleader for Attorney Thieves


The state of New Mexico presented Petra Jimenez Maes with a law license in 1973 after she graduated from the University of New Mexico School of Law.


FYI: Former Gov. Gary Johnson was duped into appointing Petra as a Supreme Court Justice in 1998. Petra didn’t receive the appointment because she was the most qualified lawyer or judge in New Mexico. She received it because she had proven to be a reliable lackey for the statewide political hacks.


In one matter, Petra was a member of the Supreme Court that was involved in adjudicating the licensing status of disbarred attorney David Reynolds.


Reynolds was disbarred because he was found to have misappropriated (stolen) tens of thousands of dollars from his firm and/or the firm’s clients. Additional information regarding attorney David Reynolds can be found by visiting the URL listed at the end of this article.


Even though Mr. Reynolds was a serial theif, Justice Maes decided to cast a vote to reinstate his law license. It appears that Charlie came to the legal conclusion that Charlie had a constitutional right to earn a dishonest living practicing law.


As we speak (ca. May 2023), Petra practices his so-called brand of law with The Engle Law Firm at 2363 Botulph Road in Santa Fe, New Mexico.



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