► Attorney Ramon Gordon of Jamaica; ethical troll Print E-mail
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Attorney Ramon Gordon of Jamaica; ethical troll


The Jamaica Licensing Commission provided Ramon G.K. Gordon with a law license in 1984.


The Disciplinary Committee of the General Legal Counsel found Ray guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Ramon received the sum of $467,475.00 as a deposit for the purchase of 29½ First Avenue, Vineyard Town
  • Prior to making the $467,475.00 payment, a surveyor’s report carried out by Jerome Lofters, Commissioned Land Surveyor had revealed irregularities in the boundaries of the premises
  • The client agreed that the Ray could utilize a part of the deposit to rectify the problem provided that he keep her updated on the steps taken to do so and that if she were dissatisfied she could cancel the agreement in which event the deposit would be refunded by Ray within 30 days and that he would pay interest after that period on any sum owing at commercial bank rates
  • Being dissatisfied with the progress of surveyor’s report, the client cancelled the sale and demanded a refund of her deposit The client’s money was not refunded as she demanded
  • Failed to account for the monies in his hands for the account or credit of the client when reasonably required to do so
  • Failed to deal with his client’s business with all due expedition and when required to do so
  • Failed to provide all information as to the progress of the client’s business
  • Has acted with inexcusable neglect
  • Failed to offer any explanation or response to the client to provide an accounting on what exactly he had done with the client’s money
  • Failed to honor his promise, which amounted to a professional undertaking to refund the client’s money within 30 days of the cancellation of the agreement a
  • Has provided no explanation or good reason for his failure to provide the client with the demanded refund

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Disciplinary Committee punished Ramon by gifting him with a complimentary 1-year suspension of his law license, and to reimburse his client $467,475.00.


As we speak (ca. January 2023), Ray practices his so-called brand of law in Kingston, Jamaica.


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