► Former Judge Dominique Burns of Australia; ethical gremlin Print E-mail
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Former Judge Dominique Burns of Australia; ethical gremlin


The New South Wales Law Society provided Dominique Burns with a law license in 2001 after she graduated from the University of New South Wales School of Law. She also received a law license to practice in Australia in 1998.


The Judicial Commission found Domi guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Misused her powers to detain people prior to trial (aka, due process)
  • Denied procedural fairness to those who were unfortunate to have appeared before her
  • Encouraged prosecutors to charge a defendant with additional offences

Apparently, Domi was of the firm belief that “due process” was the means by which the grass became moist in the am.


Rather than await a decision that would have resulted in her being tossed off the bench, Domi did what any respectable coward would do, she resigned.


As we speak (ca. August 2022), Domi practices her so-called idea of law at 30 Church Street in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.


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