► Gov. Pete Rickets (NE): Today’s “Mysoginist” Award Winner Print E-mail

Gov. Pete Rickets (NE): Today’s “Mysoginist” Award Winner


Pete succeeded in duping the voters in Nebraska into electing him as their governor in November 2014.


In a recent (ca. May 2020) interview with Dana Bash of CNN, Pete decided to further establish his bona fides as a Moronic Mysoginist (M&M) regarding a woman’s right to choose when he engaged in the following back and forth with Ms. Bash.



“Do you think the state of Nebraska should require a young girl who was raped to carry that pregnancy to term?"


"Those are babies, too."


"Including in the case of rape or incest?"


"Yes, they’re still babies."


I wonder how Pete would have reacted if his daughter Margot or Eleanor had been raped when they were 13 or younger by a serial rapist? Think he would have forced them to have the baby even though it would have been biracial? And what would Pete have done if Margot or Eleanor were raped by his brother Uncle Todd. Would he have forced them to give birth even though they were the victims of incest?


I’m fairly confident that Pete would not have prevented either one of his daughters from receiving an abortion if they were raped and/or victim of incest by his brother Todd.


As we speak (ca. May2022), Pete continues to be an embarrassment to many Nebraskans.



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