► Justice Sharon Kennedy: “Ohio’s 2020 Judicial Grinch” Award Winner Print E-mail

Justice Sharon Kennedy: “Ohio’s 2020 Judicial Grinch” Award Winner


The State of Ohio provided Sharon Lee Kennedy with a law license in 1991 after she graduated from the University of Cincinnati School of Law.


FYI: Sharon has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past twenty-three years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Cincinnati area was about to offer her a good paying job.


In a concerted effort to cement her status as an infamous Ohio Judicial Grinch, Sharon had the chutzpah to bill her campaign contributors for the following laughable (aka, anorexic) expenses.

  • $2.25: 3/23/20 – Parking Cincinnati
  • $2.50: 3/23/20 – Parking Cincinnati
  • $3.75: 1/31/20 – Parking Cincinnati

It is rather amazing that someone with annual earnings of $178,280 cannot afford to fork over a measly $2.25 to pay for parking in Cincinnati.


In addition, the overtaxed citizens of Ohio were forced to reimburse Sharon the Grinch $19,002.90 in mileage payments for commuting from her home in Cincinnati to the Supreme Court in Columbus.


As we speak (ca. May 2021), Sharon continues to be an embarrassment to Ohioans and especially her contributors who are forced to spend tens of thousands of their hard-earned money to support Sharon the Cheapskate Grinch.



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