► What does a Quality Anglo Saxon Voter Look Like? Print E-mail

What does a Quality Anglo Saxon Voter Look Like?


Anyone with an I.Q. in the high nineties or triple digits understands that Republicans throughout the county are in the process of voter nullification (some call it suppression) for the sole purpose of gaining or retaining power.


Some folks refer to this voter eradication as a new rendition of the Old South’s favorite Uncle, Jim Crow. I hesitate to call it Jim Crow for fear of being sued by Jim’s descendants for defamation.


Several Quality Super American Patriots, Republicans all have given voice to the need for “quality votes” vs. “quantity.” 


State Rep. John Kavanagh of Arizona, a Quality Super American Patriot spoke for his fellow Republicans in Arizona and all the other states by making the following statements.

  • “Everybody shouldn’t be voting.”
  • “Quantity is important, but we have to look at the quality of votes, as well."

Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and her beau Paul Gosar (R-AZ) are forming a group they call “America First Caucus.” The Policy Platform of their American First Caucus goes like this.

  • “America is a nation with a border, and a culture, strengthened by a common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon [White Folk] political traditions.”

Below are some photos/images of what State Rep. Kavanagh and his comrades in arms Reps. Gosar and Greene consider to be quality Anglo-Saxon voters.
















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