► Arizona GOP checks ballots for Bamboo paper and Fortune Cookie Messages Print E-mail

Arizona GOP checks ballots for Bamboo paper and Fortune Cookie Messages

The sore losers in the Arizona state legislature decided to appease the Former Great Leader by employing a Serial Sycophantic Trump Ass-Kisser to oversee a recount of the 2020 presidential election in Maricopa County, which encompasses Phoenix and is home to a large Democrat base.



Even though several recounts have been performed by republican led state election officials, all of whom certified the election was free of fraud, the Trump Ass-Kissers in the Arizona State Senate hired Doug Jones the owner and operator of Ninja Turtles, I’m sorry I mean Cyber Ninjas to perform yet another recount.


Jones and his Cyber Ninjas have absolutely no experience of any kind in performing recounts of the roughly 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County in 2020. In fact, Jones is a dyed-in-the-wool Trump Ass-Kisser who has stated on numerous occasions that the election was stolen.


The morons in the Arizona Senate authorized the payment of $150,000 in taxpayer funds to Cyber Ninjas to perform a task it is not qualified to do.


Recently (ca. May 5, 2021), the screwballs running the recount have announced the use of Ultraviolet lights to determine if there is bamboo in the paper ballots. This came about after a Trump Ass-Kisser claimed that about 40,000 votes were shipped in from China and dropped off in Phoenix to be counted in the election. It was claimed that the paper used to print the ballots from China were partially made of bamboo.


The votes from China are alleged to have arrived at the Chandler Memorial Airport in the

 Phoenix area on a ARJ21 plane manufactured by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China headquartered in Shanghai.


After the phony ballots were unloaded from the plane, they were offloaded onto a rickshaw and surreptitiously delivered to the offices of Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann for safekeeping by a worn-out old man.


And lastly, in addition, to the Bamboo search, several anonymous and unreliable sources have indicated that the same Bamboo theorists are using a secret and undisclosed process to determine if any of the 2.1 million ballots contain traces of Fortune Cookie paper messages within the ballots.



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