► Will GOP Senators support legalizing Hand Grenades for self protection? |
Will GOP Senators support legalizing Hand Grenades for self protection?
It is without dispute that the NRA has purchased the services of many, many Republican members of the U.S. Senate, along with some but not as many Democrats.
The following senators have received the following campaign contributions (aka, political purchases of support) from the National Rifle Association (NRA). Added to the contributions identified below is the average number of gun deaths per year in each member’s state (source: Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence).
Clearly, senior citizens and more specifically elderly women likely do not possess the skills to properly handle and/or operate a handgun, shotgun or military style assault weapon. Additionally, these seniors wouldn’t want to take the time or incur the expense to attend gun safety training classes.
Without proper training, armed senior citizens who have vision problems and/or suffer from a physical or mental disability would have a difficult time hitting a target who was invading his/her home.
With the disadvantages in gun ownership and skills in shooting an invader, legalizing the purchase of at least six (6) hand grenades would provide the safety net that seniors and others with vision problems clearly deserve.
With a hand grenade, the senior citizen doesn’t have to be concerned with hitting an intruder right between the eyes; he/she only has to be concerned to toss the grenade in the general area of the suspected criminal.
Hopefully, the Republican Senators aforementioned along with their fellow comrades in the Senate and House will propose federal laws allowing for the purchase and use of hand grenades for personal protection. |