► Mitt Romney: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner Print E-mail

Mitt Romney: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Mitt “The Witt” Romney
Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner
The manner in which the Mitt continues to put forth his bona fides as one of America’s most uninspiring standup comedians kind of tugs at your heart.
I’m sure that well respected comedians such as Jon Stewart and Sean Hannity are fearful that if the Mitt loses to Obama that their comedy shows may be in jeopardy with the Witt available as the best alternative.
In keeping with his prior comedy routines, Mitt went after Obama by coming up with yet another one-line when he said Obama is engaged in “War on Job Creators.”
We know that the Witt laughingly considers himself to be one of America’s most distinguished Job Creators. This comedic claim is akin to the late Jeffrey Dahmer claiming to be one of America’s most distinguished gourmet cooks.
Of course Mitt the Comic didn’t provide any factual details in support of his “War on Job Creators” one-liner. What new one-liners can we expect from Mitt the Comic in the future in regards to his campaign to unseat Obama?
  1. Obama’s War on African-Americans
  2. Obama’s War on Illegal Immigrants from Liechtenstein
  3. Obama’s War on two-way traffic on the Interstate system in Texas
Congrats Mitt; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s most disrespected Standup Comedians; you are far too humble.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California

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