► Justice Gregory Geason of Tasmania; ethical troll Print E-mail
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Justice Gregory Geason of Tasmania; ethical troll


The Law Society of Tasmania provided Gregory Geason with a law license in 1987 after she graduated from the University of Tasmania School of Law.


In one matter, a photo taken at the Grand Poobah nightclub shows Justice Geason in an embrace with a female staff member.


Chief Justice Alan Blow had investigated the matter following concerns expressed about Judge Geason’s conduct involving an employee of the court. Chief Justice Blow stated that he had counselled Justice Gleason concerning his conduct, and indicated that he may take further steps, depending on what he personally considers to be inappropriate behavior.


Furthermore, Chief Justice Alan Blow viewed Geason’s acts as serious enough to warrant counseling. Blow went on to state that the actions he has or may in the future take against Justice Gleason is to protect the reputation of the court.


All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out Justice Gleason by the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Tasmanian Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. July 2021), Judge Geason continues to sit as a justice of the Tasmanian Supreme Court



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