► Colorado Supreme Court Justice Richard Gabriel; alleged sexual abuser Print E-mail
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Colorado Supreme Court Justice Richard Gabriel; alleged sexual abuser


The state of Colorado provided Richard Gabriel with a law license in 1987 after he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Law.


FYI: Former Gov. John Hickenlooper was duped into appointing Dick as a justice of the Colorado Supreme Court in 2015. Dick didn’t receive the appointment because he was the most qualified attorney or jurist in Colorado. He received it because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


In one matter, Dick was the subject of a sexual harassment claim made in 2013 while he was sitting as a judge on the Colorado Court of Appeals, by a newly hired law clerk was settled quickly and quietly, according to two people with knowledge of the agreement, essentially ensuring it would not sully his shot at the high court. (David Migoya, Denver Post)


To assure he could keep the matter secret, the Colorado Judicial Department made the female appellate law clerk sign a non-disclosure agreement that provide for her to remain on the payroll for another year in return for her promise not to sue Judge Gabriel.


It blows one mind to hear that the Judicial Department in Colorado was more concerned about concealing alleged sexual misconduct by one of its own then it was in protecting the victim and/or future victims for that matter.


Luckily for Dick, the matter was kept out of the public eye prior to his appointment to the Colorado Supreme Court.


And lastly, this is just another fine example of the judges acting as shills and enablers for fellow judges engaged in misconduct to the detriment of the folks who pay their wages.


As we speak (ca. July 2021), Dick continues to sit as an Associate Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court.



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