► Justice Jill Karofsky of Wisconsin: One of the Good Gals Print E-mail

Justice Jill Karofsky of Wisconsin: One of the Good Gals


The state of Wisconsin provided Jilly Karofsky with a law license in 1992 after she graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Law School.


In one matter, Justice Karofsky, as a member of the Wisconsin Supreme Court was required to rule on a sham lawsuit filed by attorney James Troupis to delegitimize Joe Biden’s electoral victory.


In denying Troupis’ frivolous lawsuit challenging the election results, Just Karofsky made the following statements in the court’s ruling.

  • “What you want is for us to overturn this election so that your king [Donald “Trumporleone” Trump] can stay in power.”
  • “That is so un-American.”
  • “Your lawsuit has singled out two counties of 72 in the state, targeted because of their diverse populations, because they’re urban, I presume, because they vote Democratic.”
  • “This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of racism.”
  • “This not normal.” Karofsky continued.
  • “It is not normal for us to be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits.”
  • “It is not normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their voice in this election.”
  • “This case is not about election fraud.”
  • “It is not about anyone in this state doing anything wrong.”
  • “This case is about not just seeding — but watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election.”

Kudos to Justice Karofsky for having the courage and fortitude to forcefully declare that Mr. Troupis’ lawsuit was not only a sham, but that it was based on rank racism, and had as it sole basis a naked attempt to allow Trump to remain in office despite losing to Joe Biden by over 7 million votes.


As we speak (ca. January 2021), Justice Karofsky continues to sit as an Associate Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court.



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