► Rep. Bob Good (R-VA): Today’s “Half-Wit Quack Physician” Award Winner Print E-mail
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Rep. Bob Good (R-VA): Today’s “Half-Wit Quack Physician” Award Winner




Bobby is a former lying member of the Fox News Comedy Network who was a willing peddler of loony conspiracy theories and fabricated claims that supported Donald “Small Hands Donnie” Trump and/or members of the Republican Party.


To cement his status as a Dyed-in-the Wool Sycophantic Trump Ass-Kisser, Bobby decided to support The Great Leader’s false and totally fabricated claims about COVID-19     when addressing Americans versus his admission to author Bob Woodard.  

Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Stinky Ass Spray” on his derriere for the ultimate protection of those in the immediate area, Dr. Good spewed forth the following Twitter crap about COVID-19.

  • “We have got to stop the insanity and stop accepting the hoax that says forcing people to wear a mask, forcing businesses to close, prohibiting worship services, and keeping kids out of school will make a significant difference in whether or not we will die from this virus.”
  • “After nearly a year roughly 5% of Americans have been confirmed as contracting the virus including many who experience no symptoms.”
  • “Less than 1/10th of 1% of Americans have been reported as having died from the virus: 99.9% have survived year 1 & vaccine soon to be available.”

Dr. Bobby apparently believes that he is an expert in epidemiology because he attended Liberty University, founded by right-wing fanatic Jerry Falwell and thereafter run by his Jerry who is an acknowledge sexual pervert who enjoyed watching his wife have sex with 20-year-old Giancarlo Granda.


I’m not aware that Liberty University offered any courses that would have provided Bobby with the expertise to question the bona fides of Dr. Fauci on the manner in which to deal with COVID-19.


With The Great Leader being tossed out of office on January 20, 2021, one must wonder why in the hell Bobby would have any interest in acting as one of The Great Leader’s Chief Pimps and Apologists. Afterall, after he’s gone, The Great Leader will not have any power to bestow any gifts upon Bobby, his comrades in arms, or any other Serial Sycophantic Trump Ass-Kisser.



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