► Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE): Today’s “Mama’s Boy Truth-Teller” Award Winner Print E-mail
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Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE): Today’s “Mama’s Boy Truth-Teller” Award Winner


After spending the last three years sucking up to The Great Leader by ignoring his corruption and outright violation of numerous criminal statutes, Benny decided to change his tune by speaking the truth about Trump.


During a private conservation, Benny was caught on tape making the following statements about The Great Leader.

  • “His values are deficient, not just for a Republican but for an American."
  • "The way he kisses dictators' butts."
  • "The United States now regularly sells out our allies under his leadership."
  • "The way he treats women."
  • “He "spends like a drunken sailor."
  • “He "mocks evangelicals behind closed doors."
  • “He has treated the presidency like a business opportunity."
  • “He flirts with white supremacists."
  • “He is a TV-obsessed, narcissistic individual.”

Knowing for the past three years that The Great Leader was not fit to be president, Benny continued to invoke his 5th Amendment right to remain silent. When give the chance to express the statements set forth above, Benny chose to vote against The Great Leader’s impeachment. He went one step further by voting to disallow any witnesses to testify at the impeachment hearings.


One would hope that the good citizens in Nebraska would look unkindly on someone who would privately renounce The Great Leader as being “values deficient” and who regularly “kisses dictators’ butts” and vote him out of office in November 2020.


And some people would say “better late then never,” however when you have a President who is an aspiring Despot, then good morals and ethics would demand that you speak out early and often, something that Benny decided against.


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