► Joe Biden’s rendition of Grandma got run over by a Reindeer Print E-mail

Joe Biden’s rendition of Grandma got run over by a Reindeer


To placate The Great Leader and bring a little Christmas Cheer and Humor into the presidential election, Joe Biden decided to perform a rendition of “Grandma got run over by a Reindeer.”


Of course, it goes without saying that the Reindeer was a registered Democrat from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula who had previously and with great remorse voted for The Great Leader in 2016. 


Joe’s rendition goes like this.


Donnie got run over by a reindeer

Walking home from his house on Christmas eve

You can say there's no such thing as Santa

But as for me and Harris we believe

He'd been drinking too much eggnog

And we egged him on to go

But he forgot his medication

And staggered out the door into the snow

When we found him Christmas morning

At the scene of the attack

He had hoof-prints on his forehead

And incriminating Biden marks on his back


Donnie got run over by a reindeer

Walking home from his house on Christmas eve

You can say there's no such thing as Santa

But as for me and Harris we believe


Now the goose is on the table

And the pudding made of fig

And the orange and silver candles

That matched the hair on Donnie's wig

I've warned all my friends and neighbors

Better watch out for yourselves

They should never give a license

To a man who eats 8 Big Macs

And counts the number of his French fries


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