► Attorney Anthony Veto of Lakewood, CO; scamming loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Anthony Veto of Lakewood, CO; scamming loser


The state of Colorado presented Anthony Henry Veto with a law license in 1972 after he graduated from the University of Denver School of Law.


The Colorado State Bar found Tony guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Prepared revised will for client who was hospitalized that named Tony as the estate’s personal representative, which called for Tony to be paid an hourly rate for any services provided to the client or his estate
  • The revised will also named Tony as a beneficiary of a portion of the client’s estate, to be transferred to Tony’s wife should he not survive the client by more than thirty days
  • Shortly thereafter, the client’s son called Tony and advised him that his father was not in the right state of mind to sign the revised will and that he believed it was improper for Tony to have included himself as a beneficiary of his father’s estate

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Colorado Supreme Court punished Tony by gifting him with a complimentary 60-day suspension of his law license.


As we speak (ca. October 2020), Tony practices with the Law Office of Anthony Veto at 6595 West 14th Avenue in Lakewood, Colorado.


CAUTION: Tony does not carry legal malpractice insurance



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