► Attorney James Dowell of Portland, OR; thieving loser Print E-mail
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Attorney James Dowell of Portland, OR; thieving loser


The state of Oregon presented James R. Dowell with a law license in 2004 after he graduated from Baylor University School of Law.


The Disciplinary Counsel found Jimmy guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • By asserting a lien against his former client’s recovery, in an amount clearly in excess of the amount he was entitled to recover, he charged a clearly excessive fee (thief)
  • Violated his duty to the profession to refrain from charging improper fees (cheater)
  • Negligent in that he failed to heed the risk that his client had settled for substantially less than he estimated the case was worth, and that his filing a lien against the case would delay his client’s settlement and cost the client time and money
  • Misconduct involved a selfish motive
  • Client injured by Jimmy’s attempt to assert his fee because it delayed the client’s settlement and cost the client $6,000 in additional attorney fees

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Florida Supreme Court punished Jimmy by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.


As we speak (ca. September 2020), Jimmy practices his brand of law with the Law Firm of James R. Dowell LLC at 2416 SW 5th Avenue in Portland, Oregon.



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