► Fox’s Greg Gutfeld: Today’s “Idiotic Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Fox’s Greg Gutfeld: Today’s “Idiotic Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Greg. In the past, he has been the recipient of four (4) awards in various categories. Those awards and lament can be viewed by going to the categories listed at the end of this article.


During a recent (ca. September 2020) episode of Fox News’ The Five comedy show, Greg the Idiot decided to again act as a Sycophantic Enabler and Ass-Kisser for The Great Leader. In this instance, Greg argued in favor of The Great Leader’s comments about COVID-19 while being interviewed by Bob Woodward.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of Industrial Strength Booty Fresh for that ultimate protection for everyone in the area, Greg spewed forth the following garbage to be digested by his and The Great Leader’s intellectually bereft supporters and followers.

  • “Well, this is the second bombshell [first being soldiers are “losers” and “suckers” except it's a booger dressed as a bombshell. “It's nothing and the reason why it's nothing is it's so obviously nothing.”
  • “Trump told Woodard that information because to him, it was an obvious truth.”
  • “That leaders know stuff that sometimes they keep from the public they have to manage because that is their role as a leader so you don't make it worse.”
  • “There is the comfortable and well-known phrase "keep calm and carry on."
  • “It's well known for a reason.”

In Greg’s demented mind, it would have been acceptable for Winston Churchill to tell Londoners that Hitler and the Nazis would magically disappear in a short period of time.


So, lying to the public about the effects of a pandemic is like a really cool thing according to Greg the Ass-Kissing Goofball. If this obvious lie is true, then why doesn’t Greg proclaim that The Great Leader is the most faithful husband to ever have been elected president.


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 1

Bullshit Award Winner = 1

Chicken Little Award Winner = 1

Lunatic Award Winner = 1 


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