► Fox’s Brian Kilmeade: Today’s “Moronic Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner |
Fox’s Brian Kilmeade: Today’s “Moronic Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner
This is not the first award presented to Brian. In the past he has been the subject of eleven (11) awards and one (1) lament. For a list of the prior awards and/or articles, see the items detailed at the end of this article.
To cement his status as a Reliable Moron and Trump Ass-Kissing Sycophant, Brian decided to act as a de facto criminal defense attorney for The Great Leader regarding his GOP acceptance speech on the White House lawn during a recent (ca. August 202) episode of the Fox & Friends Comedy Show.
Towards that end and only after applying a thick coat of Industrial Strength Boudreaux’s Butt Paste for that ultimate protection, Brian spewed forth the following crap to be digested as additional red meat by his and The Great Leader’s low I.Q. followers.
The truth is that Biden gave his acceptance speech from the Chase Center in Wilmington Delaware and not from his home, a fact easily confirmed if Briand the Ass-Kissing loser had taken time to google the matter.
Hopefully, The Great Leader and/or one of his Designated Sycophants such as Sean Hannity or Laura Ingraham have taken appropriate action to assure that Brian is reimbursed for the costs he incurred in purchasing a jar of Industrial Strength Boudreaux’ Butt Paste.
Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 4 Bigot Award Winner = 2 Bullshit Award Winner = 1 Chicken Little Award Winner = 1 Lunatic Award Winner = 1 Moron Award Winner = 2 Trump cheerfully defends Fox News’ Bigots and Liars: Art. No. 51 Dawg Laments