► Fox’s Jeanine Pirro: “Today’s “Moronic NRA Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Fox’s Jeanine Pirro: “Today’s “Moronic NRA Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Jeannie. In the past, she has been the recipient of eighteen (18) Awards in various categories, the subject of one (1) opinion piece and two (2) laments. Those awards, laments and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


FYI:  Jeanie is another in a long list of loser attorneys and/or judges that decided to go into political punditry after learning how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after she graduated from Albany Law School in 1975. Therefore, she decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), political punditry.


It should be noted that Albany Law School is ranked as the 135th best law school in the country out of 202 ABA accredited schools.


During a recent (ca. August 2019) appearance on the Fox & Friends Comey Show, Jeanine decided to provide her sham legal advice on behalf of the NRA after the New York Attorney General filed a lawsuit to dissolve it for engaging in financial shenanigans in violation of New York State nonprofit laws.


Towards that end and only after she applied a thick coat of “Booty Fresh” for everyone else’s protection, Jeanine made the following asinine comments.

  • “But when she comes out and she says we are going to sue the NRA and I'm thinking to myself; this has to be big.”
  • “Well, it's the classic self-dealing allegations, private travel, expensive meals, airplanes.”
  • “But look I've prosecuted organizations or individuals who cheated their organizations, okay?”
  • “It happens all the time. It's no big deal. All right?”

One reason that Jeanine is probably doesn’t like the current New York Attorney General is 

because when she ran for the office in 2006 is because the voters told her in no uncertain terms to take a hike.


Well, isn’t it nice to know that Jeanine the Moron believes its no big deal if a nonprofit is cheated and/or defrauded by the people running the organization? This is exactly what took place with the Donald Trump Foundation, which was forced to close due to the fraudulent conduct of The Great Leader. In fact, he and his children are prohibited from ever sitting on a charitable organization’s board of directors.


Since Jeanine’s former husband Albert was convicted on one count of conspiracy, four counts of tax evasion, and 28 counts of filing a false tax return for hiding over $1 million in personal income, it’s understandable that people involved in cheating is perfectly acceptable to her.

  1. Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 7
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  3. Liar Award Winner = 2
  4. Miscellaneous Award Winner = 1
  5. Screwball Award Winner = 1
  6. Tina Fey Comic Award Winner = 1
  7. Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro sez James Comey turned into a political whore: Art. 102 Ass-Kisser Awards
  8. The Donald’s the one who’s going to keep us safe: Art. 285 Bullshit Awards
  9. Fox News: Jeanine Pirro: Today’s “Lying Loser” Award Winner: Art. 140 Liar Awards
  10. Fox’s Jeanine Pirro sez Russia investigation is a “fishing expedition: Art. 141 Liar Awards
  11. Fox’s Jeanine Pirro: Today’s “Whining Crybaby” Award Winner: Art. 25 Misc. Awards
  12. Trump cheerfully defends Fox News’ Bigots and Liars: Art. 49 Dawg Laments
  13. Trump’s replacements for Mueller’s team of 13 angry Democrats: Art. 58 Dawg Laments
  14. Hiring attorneys to sue President Obama: Art. 119 Dawg Opinions – needs image and resizing



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