► Attorney Jerry E. Cardwell of Castle Rock, CO; convict, perjurer Print E-mail
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Attorney Jerry E. Cardwell of Castle Rock, CO; convict, perjurer

The State of Colorado presented Jerry E. Cardwell with a law license in 1983.
In the past, Jerry pleaded guilty to criminal charges of attempting to improperly influence a public servant and perjury in the 2nd degree as a result of his conduct in Arapahoe County.
While representing a criminal defendant in Arapahoe County Jerry made written and oral statements in regards to a plea agreement that he knew were false. Jerry’s intent was to deceive the judge and the prosecutor into believing that his client was a first time offender when in fact he was facing criminal charges in Jefferson County at the time.
Disciplinary Counsel found Jerry guilty of:
  1. Conduct constituting dishonesty, fraud and deceit
  2. Failing to provide competent representation to a client (Dufus)
  3. Assisting a client in engaging in criminal or fraudulent conduct
  4. Knowingly make a false statement of material fact to a court
  5. Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice (obstruction of justice)
  6. Commission of criminal acts
Jerry’s Hyperbolic (BS) Defense to criminal conduct
Even though Jerry pleaded guilty to perjury and attempting to improperly influence of public official, he had the chutzpah to claim that defend his conduct as negligent. How in the hell do you negligently perjure yourself? Clearly Jerry missed his calling as a standup comedian!
This wasn’t Jerry’s first bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree. In 2002 and again in 2004 Jerry’s law license was suspended for engaging in misconduct.
As a consequence of his egregious misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Colorado Supreme Court punished Jerry by gifting him with an 18-month suspension of his law license.
As we speak (ca. April 2012) Jerry practices in Castle Rock which is 30 miles south of Denver.

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