► Attorney Chan Sunoo of Parker, CO; idiot, repeat offender Print E-mail
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Attorney Chan Sunoo of Parker, CO; idiot, repeat offender


The state of Colorado provided Chan Michael A. Sunoo with a law license in 2007 after he graduated from the University of Colorado School of Law.


The Colorado State Bar found Chan guilty of the following misconduct.


Chan’s 1st bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree

  • Failed to provide competent representation (idiot)
  • Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Failed to communicate with client
  • Failed to ensure that nonlawyer assistant acted in manner consistent with his professional obligations
  • Assisted nonlawyer in the illegal practice of law
  • Failed to respond to motion to dismiss client lawsuit, which resulted in the court dismissing the case with prejudice
  • After dismissing client’s case, the trial court awarded defense counsel fees of $95,000 as a sanction against Chan and his client, with $80,000 being awarded against Chan
  • Failed to inform his client of the court’s dismissal of their lawsuit

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Colorado Supreme Court punished Chan by gifting him, with a complimentary 9-month suspension of his law license.


Chan’s 2nd bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree

  • Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  • Failed to communicate with client
  • Commingled client funds with personal funds
  • Failed to withdraw client representation when required to do so
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Failed to respond to motion for attorney fees and costs on client’s behalf
  • After a hearing, the court granted motion for attorney fees and costs against Chan’s client
  • Chan filed appeal of award of fees and costs two days late, causing the court of appeals to summarily dismiss his client’s appeal
  • Client bankruptcy case dismissed due to Chan’s failure to file required documentation

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Colorado Supreme Court punished Chan by gifting him, with a complimentary 3-year suspension of his law license effective May 2020.


As we speak (ca. January 2021), Chan practices in Parker, Colorado.



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