► Rev. Kenneth Copeland: Today’s “Jimmy Swaggart Wannabee” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rev. Kenneth Copeland: Today’s “Jimmy Swaggart Wannabee” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Kenny. In the past, he has been the recipient of one (1) award. That award is listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed category.


After being provided with an Industrial Strength Depends Adult Diaper by his wife Gloria, Kenny decided to further cement his status as a Jimmy Swaggart Wannabee. Towards that end, Jimmy made the following comments about the upcoming 2020 election asserting that a vote for Donald “Trumporleone” Trump would be “blessed financially” by God.

  • “This is the mightiest country on the face of the Earth, and it is extremely important that we vote and do it according to the leading of the Spirit of God.” Copeland said.
  • “It’s very vital and very, very important.”
  • “It’s important to your own financial welfare.”

Kenny continued with his hyperbolic (BS) rant by saying:

  • “That ballot is your seed.”
  • “You did what you believe was right [voted for Trump], and God will treat you the entire time that that person is in office—whether it’s the governor, or the president, or a senator, or congressman, whomever it is.”
  • “That ballot is your seed and God will treat you the same and you’ll be blessed financially, and you’ll be blessed in your body, and you can put a smile on your face and say, ‘Glory to God.'”

So, Kenny is telling his gullible followers that they may well become rich if they vote for a guy with Jesus like Qualities that:

  • Screwed a porn star while his wife was pregnant
  • Admitted to grabbing women by the pussy
  • Found guilty of discriminating against Latinos and Blacks in renting apartments in Queens
  • Defrauded thousands via his sham Trump University and voluntary paid his victims $25 million rather than face the music in a trial
  • Has been married three (3) times
  • Is a serial adulterer who repeatedly cheated on all his wives
  • Tried to extort concession from a foreign leader
  • Has lied over 18,000 times (ca. May 2020)

Yeah Kenny, The Great Leader possesses the same qualities that you and Jimmy Swaggart possess and have cheerfully used to unjustly enrich yourselves over the years. Hopefully, you’ll have the courtesy of sharing your future riches with Jimmy.


Fleece-Flocker Award Winner = 1


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