► Ex-Judge Lynn Akeley-Alderman of Dahlonega, GA: apologist for meth trafficker Print E-mail
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Ex-Judge Lynn Akeley-Alderman of Dahlonega, GA: apologist for meth trafficker

The state of Georgia presented Lynn Akeley-Alderman with a law license in 1997 after she graduated from Mercer University.
At one time Lynn Akeley-Alderman was a sitting judge for the Enotah Judicial Circuit in Dahlonega, Georgia. While sitting on the bench, the Judicial Qualifications Commission (JQC) filed misconduct charges against Lynn. Those charges related to her attempt to assist Charles Steven Stringer, a twice convicted methamphetamine trafficker. Stringer was also convicted of possessing a firearm during the commission of a crime.
Stringer was a longtime friend of Lynn so she felt it was appropriate to abuse her judicial position in an attempt to lessen the time he was going to spend in prison.
Knowing that the Georgia Supreme Court would likely order her removed from the bench, Lynn did what any coward would be expected to do; she resigned on March 30, 2012.
Lynn the Comic
In a lame attempt at levity, Lynn attacked the Judicial Qualifications Commission investigation of her as being “inappropriate and unprofessional.” Apparently Lynn the Comic finds it unacceptable for the JQC to investigate her obvious abuse of her judicial position. Clearly, Lynn missed her calling as a standup comedian.
As we speak (ca. April 2012) Lynn is practicing her brand of law in the Dahlonega, Georgia, which is about 65 miles north of Atlanta.



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