► Sean Hannity: Today’s “Trump Brownnoser” Award Winner |
Sean Hannity: Today’s “Trump Brownnoser” Award Winner
This isn’t the first Award presented to Sean. In the past, he has been the recipient of seventy- (77) Awards in various categories, the subject of seven (7) opinion pieces. Those awards and opinion pieces can be viewed by going to the listed categories at the end of this article.
During a recent (ca. April 2020) episode of the Sean Hannity Comedy Radio Show, Sean decided to further his status as The Great Leader’s Senior Criminal Defense Attorney, Medical advisor, and most importantly No. 1 Sycophantic Ass-Kisser.
In this instance, Sean decided to attack New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s handling of the Coronavirus pandemic and demanding that he thank The Great Leader for his successes in taking charge against the pandemic.
Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Booty Fresh” for the ultimate protection, Sean made the following statements, all of which were intended as additional red meat to be digested by his intellectually infirm followers.
After lathering up his lips with an extra coat Industrial Strength Chapstick, Sean continued with his Brownnosing routine by saying:
“If it weren’t for Donald Trump, New York would not survive all this.” “It is Donald Trump’s hospitals that are taking on the brunt of COVID-19 for the whole state of New York.”
Everyone with an I.Q. in the high 90s or triple digits well knows that The Great Leader didn’t have anything to do with New York’s handling of the Coronavirus pandemic. In fact, The Great Leader dedicated most of his time attacking Cuomo, not praising him.
I don’t know what Sean is talking about when he says “Donald Trump’s hospitals” taking the brunt of COVID-19 for the entire state of New York. The only operational facility is the setup at the Javits Convention Center in Manhattan. Temporary facilities are set to open later in April in various areas in and around New York City. Therefore, to suggest that The Great Leader’s “hospitals” are instrumental in the survival of New Yorkers is pure Bullshit.