► Attorney Joseph Engl of Manitowoc, WI; pervert, criminal Print E-mail
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Attorney Joseph Engl of Manitowoc, WI; pervert, criminal

The state of Wisconsin presented Joseph Engl in 2002 after he graduated from Marquette University Law School.
In 2004, while working at his then law firm, Joey entered an Internet chat room where he engaged in a conversation with a detective posing as a 14-year-old girl. Joey expressed interest in having sex with the girl and arranged to meet her that evening. Joey was arrested when he arrived at the prearranged meeting place.
Joe the Perv was charged and convicted of one court of using a computer to facilitate a child sex crime, a Class D felony.
As a result of conviction as a Pervert, the State Bar filed misconduct charges against Joey. Subsequently, the enablers and apologists sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court punished Joey the Perv by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
I’m sure that Joey doesn’t have a warning sign on his office door alerting potential victims that he was convicted of a child sex crime. It wouldn’t be fair to force Joey to so act because he has an absolute right to make a dishonest living as an attorney without limiting his future victim pool.
This is just another example of why the vast majority of Wisconsinites have no faith in the system for disciplining dishonest and/or incompetent attorneys.
As we speak (ca. April 2012) Joe the Perv is practicing law with Engl Law Office LLC at 935 South 8th Street in Manitowoc, Wisconsin

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