► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Lying Mental Midget” Award Winner Print E-mail

Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Lying Mental Midget” Award Winner


With the knowledge that he doesn’t have a clue on how to act regarding the Coronavirus outbreak, The Great Leader decided to play politics with it and in doing so decided to attack his real and/or perceived enemies.


Towards that end, The Great Leader spewed forth the following crap and falsehoods to be digested by his low I.Q. followers during a recent (ca. February 2020) political rally in South Carolina.

  • “Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus.”
  • “We did one of the great jobs, you say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They say, ‘Oh, not good. Not good.’ They have no clue.”
  • “They tried to beat you on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia,’ that didn’t work out to well. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation.”
  • “They tried anything. They tried over and over. They been doing it since you got in.”
  • “It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning.”
  • “Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.”

Stating that the Democrats are “politicizing the coronavirus” is patently false. In fact, it is The Great Leader who is politicizing a health emergency.


The most disturbing aspect of his asinine rant is his false claim that the Caronavirus outbreak is a “hoax” being perpetrated upon Americans to damage The Great Leader and his reelection chances.


For additional post-election articles re: The Don visit the articles below 

  1. Trump miscellaneous opinion articles: Art. 3 thru 75 Dawg Opinions
  2. Trump’s victims of Draining the Swamp: Art. 76 thru 86 Dawg Opinions
  3. Trump Filling the Swamp: Art. 87 thru 92 Dawg Opinions
  4. Trump miscellaneous opinion articles: Art. 93 thru 99
  5. Trump miscellaneous opinion articles: Art. 323 thru 338 Dawg Opinions
  6. Dawg Laments: Art. 1 thru 61
  7. Ass-Kisser Awards = 8
  8. Bigot/Racist Awards = 16
  9. Bullshit Awards = 74
  10. Chicken Little Awards = 4
  11. Dumbo Awards = 5
  12. Humanitarian Award = 11
  13. IHOP (Flip-Flop) Awards = 3
  14. Liar Awards = 121
  15. Lunatic Awards = 27
  16. Misc. Awards = 71
  17. Misogynist Awards = 3
  18. Moron Awards = 40
  19. Narcissist Awards = 32
  20. Screwball Awards = 12
  21. Rodney Dangerfield Comic Awards = 49

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