► Donald Trump: Today’s “Jimmy Swaggart” Award Winner |
Donald Trump: Today’s “Jimmy Swaggart” Award Winner
During a recent (ca. February 2020), appearance at a National Prayer Breakfast, serial liar and sham Christian, The Great Leader decided to use the religious event as a stage to praise his Chief Criminal Defense Attorney Bill Barr for intervening in criminal cases involving his former consigliere Roger Stone who was convicted of seven felonies.
On February 10, 2020, federal prosecutors in the Mike Flynn prosecution in DC recommended to the trial judge that Roger Stone receive a prison sentence of between seven and nine years even though his convictions could land him in prison for twenty years.
On the very next day, Billy Barr’s so-called Justice Department filed an additional sentencing report to the judge and asked that Stone receive a “far less” sentence than seven to nine years.
Within the next 36 hours, four of the Assistant U.S. Attorneys in DC that successfully prosecuting Stone on seven (7) felonies including tampering with a witness.
On the same day that the prosecutors asked the trial judge to go easy on Stone, The Great Leader tweeted:
So here we have the World Heavyweight Champion Liar falsely defaming Bob Mueller by stating that lied to Congress. As usual, The Great Leader doesn’t provide any evidence when slandering Mr. Mueller.
Suggesting that the prosecution of Stone was improper doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test. As of February 2020, at least twelve (12) former Trump soldiers, capos, consiglieres and/or trusted associates have been indicted, sentenced to prison terms and/or are now in prison.
And lastly, The Great Leader better hope that he wins reelection in 2020 because if he doesn’t it is highly likely that a new Attorney General will pursue and/or cause to be pursed criminal charges against him and his three adult children for tax evasion, insurance/bank fraud, wire/mail fraud and money laundering.
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