► Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner is U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor Print E-mail
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Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner is U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor

Congratulations to….
U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor
Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner
Rep. Eric Cantor has dedicated the lion’s share of his adult life porking out at the public trough as evidenced by his so-called work history as set forth below.
  1. 1989 – Law degree
  2. 1990-1991 – Performed menial legal work for father’s real estate business
  3. 1992 – 2000 – Virginia House of Delegates
  4. 2001 – 2011 – U.S. Representative – 73rd District
Eric is now the majority leader of the U.S. Congress and a staunch supporter of Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget that calls for turning Medicare into a voucher system that would require senior citizens to purchase insurance policies from the private sector.
After the monumental ass-whooping the Republicans suffered in the 26th Congressional election in upstate New York (Buffalo area), Eric and his cohorts realized they’d have to put forth yet another hyperbolic (BS) defense of their decades-long effort to destroy Medicare.
We’re not screwing you; we’re screwing your kids
Unbelievably, Eric and his compatriots are now arguing that their Medicare voucher (privatization) legislation won’t affect anyone presently on Medicare and/or who will be eligible in the next ten years.
Put simply, Eric the Humanitarian is telling seniors that “We’re not gonna screw y’all; we’re just gonna screw your kids and grand kids.” Goshes and Gollies and Gee Whillickers, I feel better now, how about you?
Lastly, at least y’all can take comfort knowing that you’ll be forking over the cash to provide Eric Baby with lifetime medical benefits. That’d be the golden plate variety if ya know what I mean!
Congrats Eric; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as a practicing humanitarian; you are far too humble.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California

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