► Rep. Jim “Gymmy” Jordan (R-OH): Today’s “Lying Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail
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Rep. Jim “Gymmy” Jordan (R-OH): Today’s “Lying Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Gymmy. In the past, he has been the recipient of eleven (11) Awards, which are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by visiting the listed category.


Gymmy is another loser lawyer that learned early on just how difficult it would be to earn a dishonest living practicing law. This led Gymmy to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1) in the country, politics.


Jimmy has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past thirty-two years (1987-2019). In fact, Gymmy never earned a living practicing law after graduating from Capitol University Law School, which is understandable since Capitol is ranked 177th out of 200 schools ranked by Law School Review.


After lathering up his severely chapped lips with a thick coat from a tube of Industrial Strength Chapstick, Gymmy decided it was time to once again carry water for his Boss and Beau (BB) Donald “Trumporleone” Trump as it relates to the ongoing impeachment inquiry.


In this instance, Gymmy engaged in a back and forth with CNN’s Jake Tapper about the whistleblower’s 9-page complaint and a 5-page transcript of The Great Leader’s phone call with the Ukrainian president Zelensky wherein The Great Leader asked that Zelensky embark on an investigation of Joe Biden and his son Hunter.


The back and forth between Tapper and Gymmy went like this.



“You really don’t have any problem with the president of the United States leveraging his power to push a foreign leader to investigate a political rival?”


“What I have a problem with is what the Democrats are doing.”

“There’s nothing there, but the Democrats say, ‘We don’t care. We’re going to move towards impeachment.’ They don’t care about the facts.”


“The transcript gives you no reason to impeach this president?”


After Gymmy falsely accused Hunter Trump of corruption because he was a paid board member of a gas company in Ukraine, Tapper responded as follows.

  • “The president’s daughter right now is having all sorts of copyrights granted in foreign countries; that doesn’t alarm you.” 
  • “The president’s sons are doing all sorts of business all over the world; that doesn’t alarm you. ... Either there’s a principle that people should not benefit from their connections or there isn’t.”

The back and forth continued as follows:



“The president is pushing the president of Ukraine to investigate a political rival.”

“I can’t believe it’s OK with you.”


“But he didn’t do that.”


“It’s in the transcript.”

“We all read it.”


I’m somewhat convinced that Gymmy’s sycophantic support for The Great Leader is based on his hopes that he will nominate him for a lifetime federal judgeship before The Great Leader is impeached or beaten at the polls in 2020.


And lastly, I’m hopeful that one of The Great Leader’s designated Sycophants and/or Lackeys has taken the time to reimburse Gymmy for the costs he has incurred for repeated purchases of spray bottles of Dr. Smit’s Caregiver’s Choice Touch Free Adult Barrier Spray.


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 5

2012 Top Ten Congressional Homophobes: Top 10 Award Winners

Humanitarian Award Winner = 1

Misc. Award Winner = 2

Moron Award Winner = 1

Donald Trump announces support for Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH): Art. 77 Humanitarian Awards



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