► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield Comic” Award Winner |
Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield Comic” Award Winner
Unable to intelligently defend himself against the charges of attempting to extort concessions from the Ukrainian president Zelensky as set forth in the whistleblower’s 9-page complaint and in the 5-page summary of his conversation with Zelensky, The Great Leader did what he does best, he attacked the messenger and/or the messengers. Towards that end, The Great Leader spewed forth the following laughable tweets.
Well Donnie Baby, I suppose you could put a stop to it by doing what you said should be done to the “spies” that spoke with the whistleblower and have them all sent to the electric chair, which is what happened to the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in 1953.
As to Adam Schiff and his so-called crew “making up stories,” the story is what you said to President Zelensky during you call wherein you attempted to extort him by holding off needed military aid if he didn’t do as you requested in embarking on an investigation of Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
If you’re looking for the villain in this whistleblower matter Great Leader, I would suggest you look in a mirror and engage in the following back and forth.
DONNIE: “Mirror, mirror on the Wall, who is the dumbest A-Hole of them all? MIRROR: “Why it’s you, you ignoramus.”
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