► Former Judge Karly Cahill of Virginia Beach, VA; fired for drunken rage Print E-mail
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Former Judge Karly Cahill of Virginia Beach, VA; fired for drunken rage



The state of Virginia provided Karly Cahill with a law license in 2015 after she graduated from the University of Richmond School of Law.


Within a year of graduating from law school, Karly was appointed as a Virginia Beach magistrate by the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia in consultation with the chief judge of the Virginia Beach Circuit Court.


About a year into her judicial term, Karly was sacked after she used profanity while making a drunken report to a police officer, although she claims she was fired in retaliation for making sexual harassment claims, etc. against other magistrates and/or Virginia Police officers.


In July 2019, Karly filed a lawsuit in federal court wherein she sued the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The essence of Karly’s lawsuit was that she was (a) subjected to a sexually hostile work environment when she was working as a judicial Magistrate in Virginia Beach, Virginia and (b) she was fired in retaliation for exercising her rights under Title VII.


In her lawsuit, Karly puts forth the following claims.


Incidents Contributing to a Hostile Work Environment based on Sex

  • On 8/14/16 witnessed then then-Magistrate Charles Lochart become drunk in public
  • While waling with Lochart on the boardwalk, homeless man, Edwin Page, exposed his genitals to Karly and began touching same
  • Karly reported Page incident to her supervisor Thomas Cahill (no relation) and his response was, “So you got the birthday present I sent you.”

Unwanted sexual advances by Magistrate Jack Hill

  • On 10/31/16, Karly saw Magistrate Jack Hill drunk at Annual Magistrate Conference, a work-related event
  • Karly then witnessed Hill staggering and falling due to his intoxication, so she offered to walk him to his hotel room
  • Hill then vomited and attempted to kiss Ms. Cahill when she tried to assist him
  • Hill then asked Karly if she wanted to engage in a “threesome” with him and another individual.
  • Karly refused both sexual advances and reported his unwelcomed sexual advances to several co-workers

Sexual Battery by Magistrate Bertram Cowell

  • On several occasions during her employment, Karly was subjected Bert’s remarks that he “liked her butt.”
  • Bert made several comments in the office, openly around co-workers, that he “did not mind if Ms. Cahill came into his office, because he liked her butt”
  • Bert said this in the open in the office for anyone within earshot to hear

False, public accusations at work of sexual promiscuity by Magistrate Paul Sutton

  • During a break while Karly was training new magistrates, she remarked she was tired
  • Paulie then screamed out to her, by falsely accusing her of “being in a Navy Seal’s bed all night” as the reason for her being tired
  • Paulie’s public and false accusation re: Navy Seal took place in full view and earshot of all the other men and women whom Karly was training

Sexual remarks by Magistrate Carl Twiford

  • On 3/ 13/18, as Magistrate in charge of training Karly, he told her, in full view of the office, that she would make more money “demonstrating dildos” than she would as a Magistrate
  • On several occasions, Carl in full view of the office, remarked to Karly about the attractiveness of her calves, saying he “was a leg guy”
  • Carly subsequently told Carly “not to report him to HR”

Police Officers remarks about Ms. Cahill

  • Karly learned Virginia Beach police officers present at her hearings were digitally photographing her during her hearings
  • The police officers were transmitting said pictures to other police officers with suggestive, sex-related captions, one of which was: “I’d fuck the shit out of this
  • Magistrate”
  • After complaining about the conduct, no action was taken against any of the officers

As we speak (ca. October 2019), Karly practices law at 4772 Beach Bay Court in Virginia Beach, Virginia.



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