► Judge Robert Hood of Columbia, SC; ethical gnome Print E-mail
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Judge Robert Hood of Columbia, SC; ethical gnome


The State of South Carolina presented Robert E. Hood with a law license in 1978 after he graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Law.


The South Carolina General Assembly was duped into electing Bobby as a Fifth Judicial Circuit Court Judge in 2012. Bobby didn’t receive the affirmative vote because he was the most qualified attorney in the greater Columbia area. He received it because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


In one matter, attorney Ms. Desa Ballard of Columbia filed a complaint against Bobby due to his conduct in handling a court petition she filed to release inmate Charles Carpenter, who was sentenced in 1990 to what Ballard alleged were illegal, consecutive 25-year prison terms for dealing cocaine and marijuana in Chesterfield County. (Joseph Cranney and Karim Doumar, The Post and Courier)


In her complaint, Ms. Ballard, alleged that Bobby improperly took the state’s side and only agreed to release Carpenter if he waived his right to sue the state upon release. Given Bobby’s agreement to release his client if he signed off his right to sue the state, Mr. Carpenter signed the waiver and provided it to the state’s attorneys. However, Bobby reneged on his promise and refused to enter an order releasing Carpenter from prison.


As is the case with all previous 1,000 or more judicial ethics complaints, Ms. Ballard received a complimentary Dear Jane letter basically telling her to take a hike.


Over the past twenty or so years, no judge in South Carolina has ever been found guilty of engaging in unethical and/or incompetent behavior. This unbelievable statistic makes Ivory Soap’s claim of being 99% laughable at best. Moreover, it makes one believe that in comparison to the Ethical Purity of South Carolina’s judiciary, Ivory Soap is very unclean.


If the South Carolina Judiciary was really interested in exposing Judicial Misfits, it would not engage in blanket secrecy of their proceedings. Additionally, the makeup of the Judicial Commission guarantees favorable outcomes since of the 26 members, 14 are judges (majority) and 4 are attorneys.


Following the crass and unbelievably biased makeup of the Judicial Commission that results in no findings of misconduct would be the same if the South Carolina Legislature passed a law along the following lines in cases involving child molestation or claims of pedophilia.

  • Jury limited to male members only
  • All 12 male members of criminal jury required to be convicted child molesters

Now, Boys and Girls, do you think there would ever be a finding of guilty by this type of jury involving child molesters or pedophiles in South Carolina? My bad, stupid question, right? Sadly, this is the same kind of result victims of Judicial Misfits will continue to receive in South Carolina.


As we speak (ca. May 2019), Bobby continues to sit as a Fifth Judicial Circuit Court judge in Columbia, South Carolina.


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