► Rep. Steve King (R-IA): As Jesus’ half-brother, I’m suffering Print E-mail

► Rep. Steve King (R-IA): As Jesus’ half-brother, I’m suffering


This isn’t the first Award presented to Stevie. In the past, he has been the recipient of twenty (20) Awards in various categories, which can be viewed by going to the listed categories at the end of this article.


During a recent (June 2018) appearance with comedian Bill Hemmer of the Fox News Comedy Network, Stevie decided to further prove his bona fides as a Donald Trump Toady, apologist and Ass-Kisser.


In this instance, Stevie decided to comment on the Republicans in the House of Representatives stripping of all of his committee assignments because of his latest racist comments.


Towards that end, during a recent (ca. April 2019) statement during a town hall at Western Iowa Tech Community College in Cherokee, Iowa, after a woman told him she was concerned “Christianity is really being persecuted,” the Right Rev. Stevie King said:


“When I have to step down to the floor of the House of Representatives, and

look up at those 400-and-some accusers — you know we just passed through

Easter and Christ’s passion — and I have better insight into what he [Jesus]

went through for us, partly because of that experience.”


So, now we have Stevie having the audacity to compare himself with the suffering of Jesus when he was crucified. It takes a large set of gonads for someone to compare being removed from congressional committees with being the pain and suffering that Jesus underwent.


What’s next for Rev. Stevie? Will he ask Pope Francis to proceed with initiation of the first step to have him to become a saint because of his suffering in the mode of Jesus?

  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  2. Bigot/Racist Award Winner = 3
  3. Humanitarian Award Winner = 2
  4. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 1
  5. Lunatic Award Winner = 3
  6. MoronAward Winner = 2
  7. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 3
  8. Screwball Award Winner = 1
  9. Top 10 Congressional Lunatic Award Winners – 2012 – Top 10 Award Winners
  10. 2012 Top 10 Congressional Homophobes – Top 10 Award Winners
  11. Its Mexicans and Central Americans doing the Raping: Art. 175 Bigot Awards
  12. God promotes Ted Cruz to Save America’s Soul: Lunatic Award 203

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