► Judge John Gibson of San Bernadino; pervert |
Judge John Gibson of San Bernadino; pervert
Several years ago the esteemed Judge John Gibson of San Bernadino was found guilty of being a dirty old-bastard for sexually harassing court staff.
After an ethics complaint was filed against Judge John Gibson, it was revealed that he sent a memo to a Ms. Huntsman saying, “I can’t imagine anything that would please me more than implementing new procedures with you. Naturally, I would consider it a great honor to implement you, old or new. Maybe we could work something out on Wednesday. No, can’t do Wednesday. That’s lunch with Judge Ashworth and Hodge. It’s important to attend these lunches with them for often they discuss all of the new procedures they have been implementing with Francinevasectomy to have a meeting with you to implement new procedures. Love and Kisses, Buggs. cc: Judge Anthony J. Piazza, Supervising Judge.”
Testimony at Judge John Gibson’s ethics hearing disclosed that he told Ms. Huntsman “Isn’t that the best looking pair of legs and ass you’ve ever seen? When his friend said, “John, you’re a judge now. You shouldn’t be saying things like that,” John responded by saying, “I can say whatever I want to her.” Of course he can, he’s a judge, right?
Of course California’s impotent Judicial Commission didn’t much give a damn about punishing Judge John Gibson for his atrocious behavior. In fact, the punishment meted out to Judge John Gibson was a complimentary admonishment. Whew, I bet that was painful, right?
This malevolent pervert continues to sit on the San Bernadino Superior Court as of this writing (ca. Aug. 5, 2009). Again, and again we are treated to judges being held to the lowest standard of conduct possible. To suggest that the conduct of many of these clowns is above reproach is absurd when in fact it is below that of a roach (my apologies to roaches).
I believe that an appropriate punishment for John the Perv (JP) would have been to incarcerate him at Folsom Peniteniary for a couple of weeks so that he could fully appreciate what it really means to be "implemented," if ya know what I mean. What do ya think?