► Ex. Supreme Court Justice Bobbie J. Bridge of Washington; criminal, drunk Print E-mail
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Former Supreme Court Justice Bobbie J. Bridge of Washington; criminal, drunk

While sitting as a Justice on the Washington State Supreme Court, Justice Bobbie J. Bridge was found guilty of the following misconduct.
Justice Bobbie J. Bridge (BB) was arrested for drunk driving and hit and run of a parked vehicle on BB was arrested on the scene and submitted to a blood alcohol content test, which she blew-off at 0.22. The legal limit was 0.8.       
As expected, the hit and run case was dismissed because Judicial Misfits in Washington are held to a lower standard of conduct then everyone else.   BB agreed to enter into a deferred prosecution under Washington law on the DUI.                                             
In a deferred prosecution, the defendant admits guilt, but alleges that the incident was the result of alcoholism, drug addiction, or mental health issues (triple-threat maladies for many jurists) for which the defendant is in need of treatment; else the conduct is likely to recur. 
Situational booze abuse
Bobbie laughingly claimed the DUI was the result of “situational alcohol abuse” caused by mental health issues for which she needs treatment and, unless treated, the probability of future incidents is “great.” Clearly, BB missed her calling as a standup comedian, right?
It appears that most situations that Bobbie’s involved in require some booze.
In layman’s language, Bobbi said, “I’m a damn lush and   mentally unstable, and if you don’t let me off the hook so I can receive treatment at the “Beefeater Institute for Judicial Drunks” I’ll do it again. 
Bobbie told the Commission that she needed to examine her use of alcohol. What was she gonna do? Examine whether she should switch from Martini’s and start swilling-down Gimlets? 
In addition to receiving a public reprimand, Bobbie was ordered to give three (3) public speeches within three years on “ethics” and judicial boozing.   Ethics and judicial boozing; now there’s a combination for ya!
Unreliable sources indicate that Bobbie’s speeches on boozing contained the following comments:
  • I personally prefer Gimlets over Martinis
  • I recommend Hennessy VSOP over Remy Martin
  • Strawberry Daiquiri’s are for sissies
  • If a cop stops you when your drunk, don’t tell-em you’re a judge, tell-em you’re married to a cop
  • Never turn down a chance to attend judicial seminars held in Napa Valley, California
Bobbie voluntarily agreed to recuse herself from hearing any DWI and hit and run cases for two years even though she said she could be fair. Thanks Bobbie!
Bobbie is apparently now working at the Center for Children & Youth Justice in Seattle with the caveat that she can appear when she’s sober.

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