► Ann Coulter: Today’s “IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award Winner Print E-mail

Ann Coulter: Today’s “IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award Winner

This isn’t the first Award presented to Annie. In the past, she has been the recipient of fifty (50) Awards in various categories and/or the subject of nine (9) opinion pieces. Those awards and opinion pieces are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Annie is another in a long list of loser attorneys such as Laura Ingraham, Geraldo Rivera, Mark Levin and Hugh Hewitt that decided to go into political punditry after learning how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after she graduated in from the University of Michigan Law School. Therefore, she decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), political punditry.   


Annie’s undying loyalty to Donald “Trumporleone” over the past three years will undoubtedly lead to her requiring double knee replacement surgery for the excessive time she has spent genuflecting in his honor. In was no secret that The Great Leader valued Annie’s comments about him and her advice on various issues.


When The Great Leader folded like a Boy Scout Tent (ca. Jan 25, 2019) in agreeing to reopen the government after causing its shutdown for 35 days and without getting any funds for his Wall, Annie decided to go attack her former beau. Towards that end, Annie said:

  • “He’s incompetent and lazy.”
  • “We put this lunatic in the White House for one reason.” [Build the Wall]
  • “Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States.”

It shouldn’t be long before The Great Leader begs for Annie’s forgiveness by choosing to either shut down the government again or by issuing an Emergency Declaration regarding the building of his so-called Wall.

  1. Bigot/Racist Award Winner = 5
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 6
  3. Humanitarian Award Winner = 2
  4. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 3
  5. Liar Award Winner = 2
  6. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  7. MoronAward Winner = 4
  8. Tina Fey Award Winner = 2
  9. Screwball Award Winner =5
  10. Potty Mouth Award Winner = 2
  11. Ann Coulter sez: Deport the Dreamers before MS-13 gang members: Art. 44 Bigot Awards
  12. Dreamers committing Murder and Child Rape sez: Rev. Ann Coulter: Art. 46 Bigot Awards
  13. Rev. Ann Coulter calls Khizr Khan a “snarling Muslim”: Art. 47 Bigot Awards
  14. Various Ethnic Groups have Varying Predilections for Crimes Annie: Art. 48 Bigot Awards
  15. Supporters of Immigration Reform are Idiots: Bigot Award 49
  16. Latino Culture Accepts Child Rape Coulter bigot: Art. 50 Bigot Awards
  17. Trump Romney ticket keeps Foreigners from outvoting White Americans Bigot: Art. 51 Bigot Awards
  18. GOP must focus on White (Honkie) Vote for 2016: Bigot Awards 53
  19. Nothing Racist about anything I’ve said, so sayeth Rev. Ann Coulter: Art. 63 Bullshit Awards
  20. Only Trump Genuinely Loves America: Art. 68 Bullshit Awards
  21. Saving USA by voting for “Crap-Ass” Republicans: Art. 69 Bullshit Awards   
  22. Overweight Girls shouldn’t be admitted into America: Art. 10 Dumbo Award  
  23. President Trump would prove God hasn’t given up on America: Art. 70 Lunatic Awards
  24. Idiots voting for Libertarians harm GOP: Art. 71 Lunatic Awards
  25. Deport immigrants who vote Democratic Coulter: Art. 68 Screwball Awards
  26. GOP needs to drive up the White Vote: Art. 69 Screwball Awards
  27. Women should not have the right to Vote: Art. 70 Screwball Awards
  28. Ann “The Man” Coulter claims water-boarding is not a war crime: Art. 148 Dawg Opinions
  29. Ann “The Man” Coulter’s racism expertise: Art. 149 Dawg Opinions
  30. Ann Coulter – American Heroine Art. 150 Dawg Opinions
  31. Is Ann Coulter a dirty, lo-down liar in commenting on Obamacare?: Art. 151 Dawg Opinions
  32. Ann Coulter comments on Liberals and assorted Hedonists: Art. 152 Dawg Opinions
  33. GOP releases future list of “White is Right” nominees for Supreme Court: Art. 183 Dawg Opinions
  34. Did Sean Hannity have a sexual tryst with Ann Coulter?: Art. 192 Dawg Opinions
  35. Republican Family Values? – Art. 256 Dawg Opinions
  36. Who will President Mitt Romney nominate to the US Supreme Court?: Art. 290 Dawg Opinions
  37. Ann Coulter: Today’s “Trump Crybaby Loser” Award Winner: Art. 9 Misc. Awards

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