► Attorney John B. Hagler of Cleveland, TN; pervert, screwball Print E-mail
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Attorney John B. Hagler of Cleveland, TN; pervert, screwball

In 1990, John B. Hagler succeeded in duping the voters in Bradley County as electing him as a Circuit Court Judge and in reelecting him in 1998 and 2008.
Judge Hagler remained on the bench in Cleveland, Tennessee until he was forced to resign in 2008.
Johnny’s resignation came about after the FBI obtained a tape he had authored. John’s tape contained lurid fantasies that led the Feds to believe that they were listening to a torture session and believed it might be linked to a murder case.
John responded to the tape by saying, “I have committed no crime. I have done nothing wrong except to cause great embarrassment to my family, friends and the state judiciary.”
In a lame attempt at levity, John went on to say, “I have tendered my resignation because of this embarrassment and to leave no room for anyone to reasonably question my integrity as a judge.” Clearly, Johnny missed his calling as a standup comedian.
For Johnny to assert that he acted with integrity while on the bench in light of the sick tape he authored doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test.
Its mind boggling how ethical losers like Johnny are can ascend to a judgeship. He certainly wasn’t the most qualified attorney in the greater Cleveland, Tennessee area.
As we speak John practices law at 155 North Ocoee Street in Cleveland, Tennessee.

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