► Ex. Judge D. Ronald Hyde of Oakland, CA; repeat offender, pervert, potty mouth Print E-mail
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Ex. Judge D. Ronald Hyde of Oakland, CA; repeat offender, pervert, potty mouth

The California Supreme Court presented D. Ronald Hyde with a law license in 1970 after he graduated from Golden State University School of Law in San Francisco.
For many years, D. Ronald Hyde sat as a Alameda County Superior Court judge.
During the time he provided worthless judicial services to the good folks in and around Oakland, Ronnie was found guilty of misconduct by the California Judicial Commission on five (5) separate occasions before he was booted off the bench. Ronnie’s’ misconduct is as follows:
1st Bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree – Oct. 7, 1992
On Oct. 7, 1992, Ron received a complimentary “advisory letter” for describing himself as the “vacuum cleaner” for the court and for appearing biased by inquiring at the beginning of a proceeding which party refused to stipulate to a pro tem judge. Accepting pro tem judges meant that Ron wouldn’t have had to hear the cases, which would have allowed him to spend valuable time on the golf course. Damn ingrates!
2nd Bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree – Apr. 25, 1996
On Apr. 25, 1996, Ron received another complimentary” advisory letter” regarding the following misconduct:
Solicited funds for his favorite charities, and did so after the presiding judge told him it was unethical.
For years used demeaning nicknames for female court employees, such as “Boom Boom,” “Breath,” “Chubbs,” “Legs,” and “Mousemeat.”
3rd Bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree – May 1996
Received a “severe censure,” for:
  1. Asked court employees to access DMV records regarding a motorist he witnessed violate
    traffic laws.
  2. Had a secretary perform services for him dealing with a paralegal class he was teaching at a local college.
  3. Directed a secretary to type an affidavit he submitted with a complaint about a neighbor’s dog.
  4. Had a secretary type his application for a federal judgeship and ordered a court employee to drive the application to San Francisco in a LA County vehicle.
  5. Brought his young daughter to work and had court employees assist in watching her activities (babysitting).
  6. Directed secretary to pickup his daughter from a dental appointment during work hours.
  7. Told a secretary to perform work benefiting a private club of which he was a member and past president.
  8. Had a court secretary create a 94-page mailing list for a charity; to type labels, envelopes, by-laws, and policies relating to the charity. She spent approximately 24 court work days performing such tasks.
4th Bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree – June 25, 1997
On June 25, 1997, Donnie received a complimentary private admonishment for intervening in a case at the behest of another Judge (unnamed Judge not disciplined).
5th Bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree – Feb. 4, 1998
On Feb. 4, 1998, Donnie received a complimentary advisory letter for engaging in ex parte communications.
After giving Donnie a “severe censure” (whatever the hell that is) in 1996, the enablers at the Commission chose not to remove him from the bench after he said he’d be a good boy. These fools are personally responsible for the egregious misconduct that Donnie so cheerfully engaged in after they severely censured him. What a joke!
6th and Final Bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree 
The following findings of misconduct in 2002-2001 finally caused (actually shamed) the enablers at the Judicial Commission to order Donnie’s removal from the bench.
  1. Asked a clerk to run a license plate number through DMV after a driver had “cut him off” on the way to work. 
  2. Related a story to two female court employees about two people in a car engaged in oral sex in the courthouse parking lot, one of whom was a former court employee
  3. Presided over a case when his daughter Suzanne was the plaintiff
  4. After being forced to withdraw from a case after increasing a defendant’s bail from $60,000 to $350,000, he then called the replacement judge and asked him to “back him up” by not reducing the bail. The judge declined and bail was reset at $60,000
Donnie’s Laughable Gout Defense
Donnie had the chutzpah to claim that the gout drug he was taking had a bearing on his conduct when he put the arm on Judge Walker to “back him up” regarding his punitive action in increasing a defendant’s bail to $350,000. Damn gout medicine! I wonder if Donnie has sued the drug company. Seems as though he may have a valid claim, right?
The only reason Donnie wasn’t benched earlier, is because Judicial Misfits in California are held to a lower standard of conduct than we are.

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