► Donald Trump: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield Comic” Award Winner |
Donald Trump: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield Comic” Award Winner
In an ongoing attempt to prove he has what it takes to become one of America’s Premier Standup Comedians, Donald “Trumporleone” Trump decided to engage in some light-hearted comedy regarding his recent (July 2017) summit with Vladimir “Vladdy’s my Daddy” Putin.
Towards that end, The Great Leader spewed forth the following laughable comments on his so-called toughness on his co-president Putin.
After the viewers of his comedic lines stopped laughing, The Great Leader continued on with his comedy skit by saying:
“I’ll be Putin’s ‘worst nightmare’ if talks fail, unlike ‘patsy’ Obama.”
Anyone that watched the press conference between The Great Leader and Vladdy could only conclude that it was a one-sided love affair with The Great Leader slobbering all over himself in an overt attempt to ingratiate himself with his Daddy Vladdy.
All that was missing at the news conference in Helsinki was for The Great Leader to give Vladdy a courtesy “reach around.”
And of course we don’t have a clue as to how much time The Great Leader spent on his knees genuflecting before Vladdy during their two-hour secret meeting that was held before the press conference.
In truth, The Great Leader will go down in history as the most compliant Ass-Kissing Putin lover to have ever sat in the Whitehouse.
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