► Ex-Judge Allan Berkhimer of Somerset, PA; potty mouth, pervert, repeat offender Print E-mail
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Ex-Judge Allan Berkhimer of Somerset, PA; potty mouth, pervert, repeat offender

For 17-years Alan Berkhimer sat as a Magisterial District Judge in Cambria County.
In 2005 the Pennsylvania Court of Judicial Discipline found Allan the Perv guilty of the following misconduct.
1st bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree – ca. 2001
In Nov. 2001, Allan intervened on behalf of an employee of a friend to have a DUI issued to Dean George dismissed 
and reduced to a non-traffic offense of public intoxication. He accomplished this deed by contacting Officer Kosmac, the arresting officer and demanding that he dismiss the DUI charges, which Kosmac did. 
As a consequence of his egregious misconduct, the enablers sitting on the Court of Judicial Discipline punished Allan by gifting him with a reprimand.
2nd bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree – ca. 2002
Potty Mouth Alan was charged with routinely using improper and offensive language when dealing with court staff and others as set forth below.
Misconduct re: Ms. Daphne Moot
All of the perverted conduct/comments spewed forth by Alan the Perv came from transcripts of testimony provided to the Judicial Commission. Put simply, it’s all 100% true!
After submitting an application to be a clerk in Aug. 2002, Ms. Moot reported to Allan’s office for a job interview. During the interview, Allan said, “I am not a political whore. I don’t kiss anybody’s ass unless pussy’s involved.”
Shortly after the interview, Allan called Moot at home and asked her to come in for a second interview. During this interview, the subject of motorcycles came up, and Allan told her that “he likes it when girls ride motorcycles with him because their legs are spread and it’s like foreplay.” He further said that “he didn’t like to wear a helmet because it was just like him having sex, he doesn’t use protection for sex either.”
Ms. Moot was married and had two minor children. Her husband had recently lost his job and she was, sadly, forced to accept the clerk’s job offered to her by Allan.
While working for Allan, he told her a story he said he heard from some local cop that went as follows: “Do you know what they do to Afghan boys when they join the Army when they’re 12? They bend them over the barrel and fuck them up the ass.”
Allan’s Misc. Perverted Conduct
On five occasions, Allan told his female staff to “come here and look at this.” He would then show pictures of naked adult females. Karen Roberts described these pictures as “real fat ladies in bathing suits; fat was hanging out all over the place,” she said.
Diane Weaver described one photograph depicting “a lady’s rear end that took up the whole screen, and in the middle, in the crack was like a sandwich; and another photo of a lady sitting in a tub … her breasts were hanging and she had this long straggly looking hair.”
In March 2003, Allan told Diane Weaver words to the effect: “I saw your friend (Pennsylvania State Police Officer Barto). I told him what you told me to tell him. I told him that when I mention his name to you, you get wet.”
In another matter, a child pornography case came before Allan for a hearing. The prosecutors had downloaded hundreds of photos from the defendant’s computer which they brought to the courtroom.
After the hearing, the prosecutor showed Allan four or five of the photos. One of the photos was of a female child of about five to eight years of age, facing the camera straddling an erect penis. Despite Ms. Moot’s protests, Allan graphically described the photo to his staff members, Mott, Roberts and Weaver.
As a consequence of his despicable conduct, the Judicial Commission removed Alan from the bench.
Alan the Prison Guard
With no prospect of ever obtaining employment as an attorney, Alan applied for a job with the Pennsylvania Corrections Department, which subsequently led to him being hired as a prison guard at the Somerset Correctional Facility in Somerset, Pennsylvania.
Hopefully, prisoner Clarice (name is really Clarence) treats Alan with the total disrespect he deserves when they meet up at Somerset.
As we speak (ca. Dec 2011), Allan the Perv continues to work as a prison guard at the Somerset

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