► U.S. Judge W. Keith Watkins of Montgomery, AL; partisan lackey, ethical dwarf Print E-mail

U.S. Judge W. Keith Watkins of Montgomery, AL; partisan lackey, ethical dwarf

Unfortunately, George W. Bush appointed W. Keith Watkins as a District Court judge in Montgomery, Alabama. Of course it goes without saying that Watkins obtained his appointment after spending many years acting as a compliant lackey for the local political hacks (aka, The Party”).
All of the states, including Alabama, were required to meet a federal requirement to create a computerized statewide list of voters. Secretary of State Nancy Worley (Democrat) is Alabama’s “Chief Election Official.” Ms. Worley said the delay in her meeting the federal requirement was due to factors outside her control.  
In a naked attempt to undermine Ms. Worley’s authority over election matters, the U.S. Justice Department pursuant to directions from then- Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, decided to go to court in order to usurp her authority and hand it over to Republican Gov. Bob Riley. 
Given the track record of the Bush administration, it is painfully clear that this was nothing more than a naked attempt to usurp the statutory authority of a Democratic Secretary of State in order to place “the party” in a position to hold sway over upcoming elections in 2006 and 2008.
Sadly, for those who believe in justice and equity, Judge Watkins was assigned to the litigation. In assuring that his sponsors (The Party) would be sufficiently rewarded for providing him with a lifelong job, he ruled in favor of Gonzales and the Justice Department. Watkins’ ruling was an abomination and nothing more than what one would expect from a lifelong lackey for “The Party.”
When Ms. Worley asked the Alabama Attorney General to provide her with legal counsel to argue against  Alberto Gonzales’ unwarranted lawsuit, he denied her request, which was expected since he was recently appointed by Gov. Riley after serving as his lapdog, I mean legal advisor. 
The Alabama Democratic Party asked Judge Watkins to allow it to intervene in the case, so it could put forth a legal argument in opposition to Alberto Gonzales’ claims. As could be expected, Judge Watkins acted in the interest of his benefactor the Bush Administration and told them Dems to take a hike.
This is further proof that our so-called judiciary does not act independently of their political handlers. Watkins obviously has total contempt and disdain for the oath of office he took after being gifted by George W. after being nominated by his primary benefactors, U.S. Senators Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby.
It is indeed a sad commentary on the state of our so-called justice system when those sworn to dispense justice are willing to limit the dispensation of justice in order to serve the interests of their and sponsors and handlers.

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