► Attorney John DiBlasi of Westchester County, NY; pervert, Il Duce Wannabee |
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Attorney John DiBlasi of Westchester County, NY; pervert, Il Duce Wannabee
In 1995, John DiBlasi was successful in duping the voters of Westchester County, New York into electing him as a J
In April 2001, Judge John DiBlasi was charged with being a “Judicial Misfit” by the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct (hereinafter referred to as “The Commission”).
Judge John DiBlasi was found guilty by The Commission of the following misconduct:
Enrolling in Broadcasting School
In late May or early June 2000, Judge John DiBlasi enrolled in a six-week broadcasting class from July 10, 2000 to August 21, 2000, at the Connecticut School of Broadcasting in Stratford, approximately 40 miles from the Westchester County courthouse. Classes were held Monday through Friday, from 9:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
On at least eight (8) occasions beginning on July 10, 2000, John DiBlasi did not appear in court until 2:00 pm. He intended to continue to arrive at 2:00 pm through August 21, 2000. On July 14 and 18, 2000, John DiBlasi remained in class and didn’t appear in court at all to conduct court business. DiBlasi didn’t complete the broadcasting course and withdrew after the eighth day of class, on July 20, 2000, only because a newspaper outed him by reporting his absences from court.
Of the course this celebrated loser found it ethical to receive a fully day’s pay for every day he failed to provide judicial services to the overtaxed citizens of Westchester County.
Banging Local Prosecutor
In early 2000, the Dishonorable John DiBlasi engaged in a romantic relationship with Ms. Dana Stricker, an attorney working for the Mental Hygiene Legal Service (MHLS) Department, a state advocacy agency for mentally disabled judges, I’m sorry I mean patients.
While John DiBlasi was banging Ms. Stricker he conducted ten contested hearing in which she appeared in his courtroom. As in keeping with his status as an ethical leper-con, John DiBlasi never disqualified himself from these ten cases nor did he advise the other parties of his ongoing sexual tryst.
John DiBlasi – Il Duce Wannabee
FYI: Il Duce was the nickname for Benito Mussolini, the degenerate dictator of Italy who partnered up with Hitler and the Japanese prior to and during World War II.
In early 2000, Il Duce called Sidney Hirschfeld, Director of MHLS, to complain that Marita McMahon, principal attorney for MHLS was spreading rumors that about his personal life and relationship with Ms. Stricker.
Il Duce went on to direct Ms. McMahon to never again appear in his courtroom because he claimed she was harassing Ms. Stricker. Subsequently, Ms. Stricker was assigned to another county.
John Diblasi’s current status
Unfortunately, this certified loser now practices in Westchester County due to the fact that the enablers and apologists at the Disciplinary Board refused to revoke his law license.
John DiBlasi has the chutzpah to advertise on his web site in large letters “Hon. John P. DiBlasi.” Clearly, the term “Honorable” should be replaced with Dishonorable or Disgusting.
DiBlasi then goes on in great detail about his so-called accomplishments as a judge and lawyer and his alleged experience as a mediator. However, John DiBlasi utterly fails to warn any potential clients that he disciplined for being a certified louse.
My advice would be to steer clear of this loser since there must be at least a few ethical attorneys in the Westchester County area. |