► Attorney Franklin Jones of Rochester, NH; pervert, moron Print E-mail
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Attorney Franklin Jones of Rochester, NH; pervert, moron


In a previous life, attorney Franklin Jones served as a Special Justice of the Rochester District Court in Rochester, N.H. (ca. 2001-2005).
During his tenure on the bench, Judge Franklin Jones engaged in a variety of egregious criminal misconduct, some of which is set forth below.
While attending a conference on “sexual assault and domestic violence” in 2004 at the luxurious Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Wood, NH, Judge Franklin Jones  got drunk and groped five (5) women (criminal sexual assault) during an after-hours social (aka, annual judicial drunk fest) at a bar called “The Cave.”
The five female victims worked in the sexual violence arena in the New Hampshire court system. Some of the women that Judge Franklin Jones groped (sexually assaulted) were quite dismayed to learn that some professionals (so-called) in law enforcement, including prosecutors and police officers, testified that Frankie “The Perv” was a great guy. Are you surprised?
Subsequently, Judge Franklin Jones was convicted of five (5) criminal counts of misdemeanor assault.
DA Mark Hathaway embarks on a sequel to “The Price is Right”
Sullivan County DA Marc Hathaway was left with the job of prosecuting Frankie for felonious sexual assault. In order to determine Judge Franklin Jones’ credibility, Marc decided to take on the role of Bob Barker (The Price is Right) and Frankie “The Perv” the role of an anxious contestant.
Just as the show started, Marc called out Frankie’s name and said “Come on down.” A giggling and somewhat intoxicated Frankie then stumbled on to the stage where he was affectionately greeted by Marc.
Marc then showed Judge Franklin Jones a table with three pictured items on it, and told him that he would have to pick the price of each item without going over them in order to win 10 free gropes of females of his choosing from the audience.
The items pictured on the table and Frankie’s price picks are as follows:
  • A judge taking a bribe of $500 on a DUI case – Higher
  • A judge paying a hooker $75 – Lower
  • A judicial misfits normal I.Q. is 50 – Lower
After being told that all of his answers were correct and he was a “winner,” and without any prompting from Marc, Judge Franklin Jones immediately headed for the audience and went into his infamous judicial groping routine.  
Due to Judge Franklin Jones’ inebriated and celebratory condition, he mistakenly groped someone named Ralph after putting the touch on Samantha. Fortunately for Frankie, his groping error was not counted against him; therefore, with one down, he had nine to go. Let’s hear it for Judge Franklin Jones.
Judge Franklin Jones’ so-called apology
Frankie said he was sorry about what happened, but that one incident (it was five incidents that we know about you moron) shouldn’t be the end of an otherwise blemish-free career. Blemish-free career my ass! One doesn’t become a sexual pervert overnight, right?
As we speak (ca. September 2009), Franklin Jones continues to practice law in New Hampshire. In fact, Franklin Jones practices at the law firm of Wensely Jones Asazrian located in Rochester, New Hampshire. Ya gotta wonder what possessed this law firm to employ a loser and louse like Franklin Jones, right.
Judge Franklin Jones never received any punishment for his criminal behavior from the New Hampshire Supreme Court nor was his law license ever suspended. By rights, Franklin Jones should have been permanently disbarred and sent off to the State Prison for Men in Concord, N.W.
Since judges and lawyers are held to a much “lower standard of conduct” than we are, are your really surprised at this deplorable outcome?
If you sexually assaulted five (5) women do ya think you’d get the same treatment that the Dishonorable Judge Franklin Jones did? Me thinks not!

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